ICP 1155 – Diversity in higher education

ICP 1155 - Diversity in Higher Education

This course examines diversity and its impact on classroom dynamics and the educational process. Knowledge and appreciation for the history, traditions, and perspectives of specific cultural groups will be developed. Culturally appropriate instructional strategies will be explored for specific learner profiles.

Course Outcomes:

  1. Recognize and critically reflect on equity, diversity, and inclusion in your classroom and at Lethbridge College.
  2. Demonstrate, through reflective practice and application of learning strategies how assumptions, values, beliefs, and background experiences impact interpersonal relationships.
  3. Discuss decolonization and reconciliation and the land, language, and Indigenous ways of knowing of the Blackfoot people.
  4. Explain the relationship of internationalization on teaching and learning and the Lethbridge College Community.
  5. Commit to build teaching and working relationships and spaces that are inclusive and supportive of all people.

This course includes the following micro-credential:

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If you would like information about receiving Prior Learning Assessment and Recognition (PLAR) for ICP 1155, please click here to go to the PLAR information page.